our mission

The mission of Foster Village is to come alongside children and families in the child welfare system and show them that they are not alone. Our goal is to create opportunities for the community to be a “village” of support to these vulnerable and underserved children and families.

Founded in 2016 in Austin TX, Foster Village is led by experienced foster parents, child welfare advocates, and a board made up of passionate and diverse community professionals. This first-hand experience and understanding allows us to connect directly with foster families in ways that help them feel empowered and part of a larger mission. We know how important connection and stability are, especially during those first (often uncertain and traumatic) days. We also know that there is a community of caring individuals looking for ways to serve these families and children, but are unsure of how to help. Foster Village works to create practical opportunities to bridge the gap so that caring individuals and businesses can share encouragement and resources with our neighbors in crisis.

We had the opportunity to launch Foster Village Houston in 2019, in a city with well over 2000 children in the child welfare system where a village is so very needed. Started by a foster family with first-hand experience at walking through this journey, it has been an absolute blessing to watch how the community of Houston is rallying around some of it’s most vulnerable.

Our programs aim to meet basic needs, provide therapeutic support, and promote community engagement. We currently distribute donations from the community that are assembled into Welcome Packs for children entering a foster home.  Often times these children come with very few belongings, if any at all. We hope to alleviate some of the stress that comes with those first days after placement by delivering items such as clothing, car seats, cribs, back packs, and other basic necessities. We also provide special request therapeutic items such as weighted blankets, infant carriers, and white noise machines through our Project SOOTHe program. 

Foster Village Houston is made possible through community support and involvement. Through monetary donations, physical donations, and volunteering we have the ability to be a village of encouragement to the thousands of local children who need to know that they are seen and valued.

way to go, village.png

It is our goal to ‘be a village’ to these families and children walking through difficult circumstances in our city. Will you join us?

If you are interested in joining Foster Village Houston through volunteer work or other contributions, please check out our current volunteer opportunities here.

If you are a foster family, kinship family, or reunifying family in need of support, please contact us through our Resources page.