We understand that placement can happen overnight and families often don’t have time to plan for a child’s arrival in their home. We’re here to help. It is important to us that we offer families a positive shopping experience. Our resource centers is well stocked and well organized with plenty of opportunities for children to play while shopping. While a lot of our items are new, we do utilize the discretion of accepting gently used donations from the community to offer at the resource center. Foster Village Houston makes no claims, representations, or warranties (whether expressed or implied) as to the safety, reliability, durability, and performance of any of the items provided. Foster Village Houston cannot accept liability whatsoever for the safety and reliability of the items we distribute.

Please submit the form below, and upon submitting, we will be in touch within 24 hours to set up a time to get you the items that we are able to provide. You will have the option to come shop at our resource center (free of charge) or have one of our volunteers deliver items to your home within our coverage area. We do our best to honor all requests from licensed foster families bringing in emergency placements, kinship families, case workers, CASA, and reunifying biological families working with CPS.

if you are a caseworker or CASA worker submitting the form for a caregiver, please be sure to input the CAREGIVER'S First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Phone Number in the fields immediately below this section. Then, input your information (as a caseworker) in the section halfway down the page.